13 cosas que no hacer para escribir, editar y promocionar un libro

No dice nada sobre qué hacer con las sillas, pero sirve.

So I guess I am still in the middle of promoting my latest book, and I would like to pass along some tips or reminders in the form of Don’ts for y’all out there if your book is coming out soon.  Don’ts are as good, if not better, than Do’s for this writer; perhaps it’s the whole I-went-to-Catholic-school-for-the-full-12-years thing, or I just like to be bossed around; in any case, for some of you, these items are understood, for others it may be useful. In no particular order, here we go.

1. Don’t worry about the niche until the niche finds you. And it’s all about niches. I wrote prose pieces for years until I figured out that there was some realization that what I was writing would be classified and filed as Humor in a bookstore.  If you work backwards from this—looking at the Humor shelf in a bookstore, then write a book—would be murder for me.  And for you. But don’t take this niche-riffing from me; see Bob Lefsetz, who says there is no mainstream, just a bunch of niches.

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